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Tennessee man was charged with drunk driving after fatal accident

Alcohol use is a major part of American society. Though it is found acceptable and even enjoyable by some, driving under the influence is a modern taboo. Drunk driving is sometimes the cause of an accident, but a crash can also be just a mistake. Unfortunately, a car accident killed a woman in Tennessee, and now a man is being charged with drunk driving.

On Aug. 19, a 50-year-old man was driving through an intersection at around 7 p.m. when he briefly lost control of his car. He then tried to return to his lane, but the car started spinning clockwise. The car ended up upside down after striking a pole and tree. The passenger of the vehicle, a 54-year-old man, was not wearing a seatbelt at the time of the accident and suffered fatal injuries.

The other passenger of the vehicle, a 51-year-old woman, was injured but was wearing a seat belt. The driver escaped injury. A slew of charges have been filed against him, however, including vehicular homicide, drunk driving and leaving the scene of an accident involving a fatality.

According to the United States judicial system, the driver of the car is innocent of the drunk driving charges until — and only if — proved guilty. As this case heads to the Tennessee criminal justice system, the drunk driving and vehicular homicide charges will likely be the principal focus of the proceedings. As the case is considered, the burden of proof will be on the prosecution to prove the allegations by competent and relevant evidence that meets a stringent measure of proof. The accused individual is entitled to the same legal rights that protect all individuals accused of a crime in our state, and he has every right to contest the accusations and fight for the best possible result.

Source:, Rockwood woman dies in wreck; driver faces multiple charges, No author, Aug. 20, 2013

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